The journal of an innkeeper and writer in a historic Canadian village near Algonquin Park.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas from Wilno Station Inn
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
And at the end of November, our annual Poetry in the Cafe afternoon ends with Barney McCaffrey reading "A Wilno Hills Christmas". A goodly crowd attended and we thought also of our poets and writers...Barry Goldie, Peter Ritchie and Lee Lafont who weren't here this year, as they are off in Russia building log houses and hopefully drinking lots of vodka and writing morose verse in the true angst-ridden Russian fashion.
Hunting season, once again in the Ottawa Valley. There were so many deer this year....everyone will have lots of venison in their freezers. The boys on the farm are making venison sausage and burger and we'll be invited out to dinner parties where the speciality of the host is "MVMVML" otherwise known as Madawaska Valley Moose and Venison Meatloaf." Right on, Barry!!
preparing sausage for winter
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wild Women in Wilno

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
And here we are transformed into an elegant environment for an afternoon wedding luncheon.
One of the most enjoyable things about our business is the constant variety of events and people.
This summer we had Vittles and Fiddles, a wedding, various lunches, lots of music, a couple of art openings and the usual outdoorsy gatherings of campers and canoeists and cottagers.
And outside, we replaced our old fading sign with a bright and shiny new one with a more modern script and style.
And we have plans for next year which include expanding our dining area into the sunroom overlooking the hills and moving our bar (actually building a new and longer bar) into the main room so we can save ourselves a lot of steps back and forth to the beer and wine fridge in the rear kitchen.
Monday, August 20, 2007
And one of the highlights of our year is always a visit and performance by Canadian songwriter Ian Tamblyn. This year, he was on his way back from a Voyageur canoe trip on Lake Superior. We've been listening a lot to his new CD called Superior- Spirit and Light...and so it was lovely to hear some of the songs performed live. I think the reason Ian's shows always have such dynamic intensity is because he is always involved in some new creative or travel project.
Here's Laura and Tom working away in the kitchen at dinner time. Laura is the third of the Burchat sisters to work here...starting way back at the beginning in the late nineties with Leah, then Lynn and even brother Mark mowed lawns for us one year....but now Laura is off to college and there's no more little Burchats at home to follow in her footsteps.
And then there's Kirby, Yates and Mazurek whose lively bluegrass entertained us on two occassions this summer. Fiddlin Zeke has a deceptively rustic appearance which does nothing to disguise the fact that he is an accomplished classical musician....and also a bit of a clown when give the opportunity!! He'll be back again in September with Sneezy Waters. In the meantime, these three guys are having fun as a trio with all sorts of great old tunes.
Here's neighbour Pete helping with the installation. It's a classic mid-June day in the Ottawa Valley with wispy clouds, a cool breeze and lots of mosquitos! We have lots of inn bookings already for the summer and its been steadily busy with shoppers and art buyers. So much work to do at this time of gardening is not going well, as we have had too much cold, too much heat and then too much rain for my poor seedlings to really acclimatize.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Here's Pete and Ritsuko all dressed in their finest kimonos on their way back from a social occassion. They dropped in to say hello on New Year's Eve day...Ritsuko helped out with serving on the New Year's Eve gala with Robert Yeretch and Pete kept company with Zigmund and Tomasz and various other local folk in for dinner and the music. After it was over, we all went over to the old General Store for a party and stayed out until almost three a.m.!!!It was a great evening and on New Years Day we made breakfast for our inn guests and then closed up for the season. Happy New Year and see you at Easter!!!